TACC Gallery

The TACC Gallery will feature different artists’ work.
Artists are invited to set up a time to show their work in the
TACC Gallery and to have a “Meet the Artist” time for the community.



Wall Stories & Story Books
(combining story & jewelry)
by jane cook


I am interested in a "Meet the Artist" Show at the TACC Gallery!

15 + 8 =

TACC Gift Shop
Artisan Groups of Women
Local Artists

Open: M-W-F  10 am – 5 pm
Saturdays 10 am – 3 pm
and during workshops & events

Every purchase and every event or workshop you take at TACC,
back into encouraging creativity in our communities,

and for women and girls overcoming the battle
against poverty, exploitation, and sex trafficking
and for prosperity, empowerment, and sustainable income.
YOU are empowering women by your purchase of
their beautiful work.


Empowered Women Create jewelry and
product is available for purchase.
EWC currently works in Cambodia and the United States,
and has developing relationships & connections in Africa,
Haiti, and other emerging markets.
EWC is a fair trade non-profit
which provides support, training,
and U.S. marketing for women artisan groups
in developing countries to create
sustainable income through creativity.

These women are then empowered to impact their children, families, communities, villages, cities and nations.




TACC Gift Shop is selling T-shirts, tea towels, earrings, home decor pillows, various bags and cases.
Daughters of Cambodia sews all of their own t-shirts, bags, cases, pillows etc.
and silkscreens all designs and lettering onto their product.
By your purchase, you are empowering these women to continue to be
be able to work to support themselves and their children.
Come in & See!  Product is available in the TACC Gift Shop.
(We hope to get all of our EWC product up on line in the next few months.)




              (because people are not for sale)

Daughters of Cambodia empowers those trapped in the sex industry to walk free and start a new life, with healing, dignity, and the means to prosper. This is achieved by providing jobs coupled with recovery programs. We teach them how to sustain their new life-styles in non-institutional settings, so that they’re able to remain connected to their communities and families. We are faith-based, followers of Jesus Christ. 

Nokor Creations joined with Daughters of Cambodia in 2021.