Art Journaling Club
Get to Know Yourself,
the real you,
through Creativity!

This is a club that meets monthly.
It is a guided creative experience that
you then take and do yourself with
your own expressions & your own journey
in a journal on a regular basis.
It is all about the process, discovery, play and reflection,
based on the premise that God, our Creator, created us creative!
We are created to create and bring creativity to life,
the lives we live!
As you spend time with God & your Art Journal,
Your life will become full of creative possibilities,
joy, and meaning.
The Art Journaling is just a tool – YOU are the ART!

The membership fee is a one time fee of $30. 
We will meet monthly for a year.
The 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6-8 pm.
YOU are WELCOME to join at anytime during the year!
We would love to have you!

I love that the Art Journal club is a place for self-expression and reflection. It’s getting together in a fun space with like-minded people to create together and share. This group came into my life when I not only needed an outlet but also more of a connection with others.  It’s been therapeutic for me.  I didn’t realize how much I would learn about art and myself!  Jane is really helpful at coming up with ideas for us to try and teaching different art techniques that I would’ve never thought about doing. She also encourages us to share with the group if we discovered something special others might find interesting, I think that is my favorite part!  Thank you Jane for hosting this beautiful and one-of-a-kind community!
